(G.O.D.)Guardian of Destiny
The Guardians of Destiny Ministry is a sub ministry within the True Believers covering. The G.O.D. Ministry covers a variety of areas but it's primary area of ministry is for youth. The overall design of this ministry is to allow young christians to express themselves in God through various activities such as community service, mentoring programs, after school programs/summer programs, cultural enhancing experiences, career preparations, performing arts, crafts, musician trainning and many more areas that will be added on over time. This ministry is still under construction, however more updates will be available shortly. Future goals are:
1) A yearly spiritual/cultural trip.
2) A yearly youth jambarie leading up to the return of school year.
3) After school tutoring and advanced college prep for members of the Mentoring Program Elites.
4) The Guardians of Destiny Center
5) Children's Church Services